Monday, February 9, 2015

Chia seed "fauxtmeal"

-Chia "fauxtmeal"!
This is a great way to start your day, a breakfast with a boost! Chia seeds are packed with power! The name actually means "strength" derived from the Mayans. Chia seeds are full of fiber, protein, healthy fat, calcium and magnesium! Chia is high in antioxidants and high in omega-3 fatty acids ( more than salmon gram for gram)

Here's a recipe that tastes great and gives you a great start to your day..LOW CARB!

1 T rolled oats
1 T chia seeds
1 T sugar free maple syrup
3 T unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/4 t vanilla extract
6 broken pecans
A pinch of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together
Cover and refrigerate over night
Heat for 1 minute add a splash of almond mild and serve!
*Makes 1 single serving

Low carb turtle cheese cake!